So the other day, I'm driving back to my apartment from "irrelevance", and a cop is driving about 30 feet in front of me. As I'm crossing through the intersection, I see him put his lights on, and do a U-turn in the middle of the four lane road. As he did this, it appears that he was going to pull over the truck in front of him that was originally heading in the opposite direction of the cop. But what does he do? He turns his his lights off and continues to drive back the way he was coming from. The cop didn't even pick anyone up. One thing, if I were that man in the truck, I would just about have peed my pants and had a heart attack. Another thing, that's illegal!
This isn't the first time I've seen something like this happen.
One night, I was coming back to my apartment from my night class and I began to follow a cop. We were both going into the left turning lane when we were stopped at a red light. The next thing I knew, he turned his lights on, went through the red light into the lanes on our right; not only running a red light, but not using his blinkers to change lanes, and cutting off the people who had a green light. Can you guess what he did when he had finished crossing through the intersection? Yep, he turned his lights off and continued to drive like nothing happened.
If anyone else did that, a serious accident could have happened, or if a cop was around, you would have gotten pulled over for reckless driving.
I believe it is our duty as citizens to take a stand against this kind of illegality. Cops should abide by the laws just like the rest of us. If I ever see that happen again, you can be sure I will report it to the authorities because it simply isn't just for cops to break the laws. They should be taking the lead and enforcing positive law abidings so we can follow by example.
First they break driving laws, so what's next? Vandalism? Robbery? Murder?