"I wish I could stay home with my girlfriend and watch Seinfeld. I'd like to hang out in bed and watch TV and play guitar. I would love that. I'm willing to make compromises based on someone I think is the one, but I think it's psychologically important to people when they're famous to be the only famous person they know. That's something you don't hear people say that they should be saying: "I want to be the only famous person in my family." I would like for fame to be my thing and graphic design to be my wife's thing, or editing, casting, or helping people in some actual, real way. You are as much a doctor as I am a famous person, and you will tell me about your vocation in the way that I will tell you mine — not my experiences with the same vocation we both have. I'm smart enough now to only consider coupling with people who are smart, worldly, capable, and are capacious intellectually in some way." -John Mayer
(© Rolling Stone magazine - pic and paragraph)
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