Dear Sarah Palin,
You're not a celebrity, stop acting like an attention whore.
Stop trying to create hype towards you to get publicity.
You stepped down from your position of governor of Alaska, so wouldn't that imply that you want to stray away from the public eye?
Stop making speeches about issues that no one wants your opinion on. As far as I'm concerned, you're a has-been who can't learn when to shut her mouth.
I just read an article about the Family Guy episode where they made fun of you.
You claim they were making fun of your son who has down-syndrome.
Um, hello - the actress who did the voice has down-syndrome.
Wouldn't you think that someone with it would take more offense to it IF it were offensive?
Stop trying to get sympathy from people.
And also - it doesn't make quite much sense for you to say it's OK for Rush Limbaugh to use the word "retard" when using "satire" to describe Democrats. Now you're just contradicting yourself.
Thinking about running for president in 2012?
Why would someone trust you to run if you've already given up your position as governor?
Just stop messing with the media.
Stop trying to be in the lime light.
Stop making a fuss over things no one cares about.
Learn when to keep your mouth shut and how go be a grandma.
I'm sure your grandson could use someone in their life who is normal and he's not going to live a normal life if you keep opening your mouth to the public.
For more bashing on SP, check out http://www.dickipedia.org/dick.php?title=Sarah_Palin
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