Multiple shades of blue
Like the swollen area around the eye after a blow to the head
Multiple shades of orange
Like the sky as the sun fades into the ground
Multiple shades of brown
Like the bruise on my foot after getting trampled on by a spiked heel
Multiple shades of green
Like your face after eating a sandwich with salmonella infested peanut butter
Multiple shades of blue
Like the color of my heart after hearing those words come straight from your mouth
And a hint of teal
In the tears that fell that day when the colors turned into two shades of grey
I'm living in a world that's two shades of grey
With children holding big red balloons
And folks that say "Hey!"
But who cares about color
And who knows what that means
Because rainbows in the sky
Aren't always what the seem
I'm living in a world that's two shades of grey
Where circles and lines connect
And people mean what they say
So say what you mean
And mean what you say
Say what you feel
Because feeling's okay
You say what you feel
You feel what you need
Because needing's a feeling
But feelings recede
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