Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm Okay

Sometimes my hands grip the edges of my bed sheets
I can't stand to feel the emptiness on my left
I usually sleep in the middle of my bed because that's what I'm used to 
But sometimes...
Sometimes I find myself rolling over to the right to make room for no one
That's when I can feel the emptiness next to me
The space that you used to fill when you visited
But those days are over and will never be again
But even though sometimes the emptiness spills into my heart...
I'm okay
And I don't cry anymore
I can't even force myself to cry
I don't even cry when I hear Slowing Dancing
I just feel loss
I feel discomfort
I feel rejection
But I don't feel sad
I don't feel sad because I know I'm better off without you
And it's taken me this long to realize it
But I'm okay

1 comment:

  1. this makes me sad. takes a lot to realize that you're okay.. and you're better off. you're a beautiful, sweet, wonderful girl and something better is out there. they're exes for a reason.. like my best friend once told me "they're called EXes because they're an EXample of what you shouldn't have in the future."

    you deserve someone who will love you unconditionally. no matter what.
    love you!
