Friday, July 10, 2009

Etiquette Part 4 - Under-disciplined Children in Public Places

Working at a restaurant, I see all kinds of people. From people who love to complain about service, yet still come back, to please customers who tip extra every time. There's rude people and people who are patient beyond belief, and then there is their children.
Where do I begin? I simply love those children who come in, are well behaved, and even say thank you when they're handed a menu. But the one thing I have little patience for is misbehaving children in public.
For instance, I was working one night where this little boy, maybe 4 years old, would not behave. He complained about his food, his drink, his chair...everything. He would not stop crying if he didn't get his way. His parents constantly left the table trying to get him to calm down but it seemed nothing would work. They even spent $2 on the 25 cent M&M machine to get him to shut up.
At one point, his mother asked if there was a coloring book he could have. So, I gave one for her son and one for her daughter who was probably around 7 years old; which by the way, was also trying to get her brother to calm down. The daughter came back once to get another box of crayons because her brother broke them all, and then came back again because he took hers and wouldn't share.
I kept thinking, honestly, haven't these kids' parents taught this unruly child any manners?
I would hate to have a kid like that and I would hate to be the mother of the child that EVERYONE was staring at. If your child is this unruly in public, I have a suggestion.
Take him through the McDonald's drive thru, get a babysitter, and leave him home. It would save you embarrassment and annoyance for everyone around you.
That, or learn to keep your kid under control.
I understand that kids have their temper tantrums, but when they last for an hour or so while you're in public, something needs to change.

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