Sunday, July 19, 2009

If The Shoe Fits

Buying a new pair of shoes has always been a challenge for me.
What am I going to wear these with?
If they're pricey, will I wear them to their worth?
New shoes never fit the way you want them to right away.
It takes some walking in them to stretch them out and time to break them in.
It's never a comfortable process.
Sometimes you get blisters.
Sometimes you get cramped toes.
Sometimes you just feel like making someone else wear them that has bigger feet than you.
But it's your job to break them in.
They're your shoes, no one else's.
Sometimes those shoes you bought a long time ago are forgotten.
But then one day you open up your closet, and there they are.
Screaming your name.
Saying, "Pick me! Choose me! Wear me!"
And you stare at them for awhile wondering why you ever put them away.
But then you remember they didn't fit quite right because they were new.
But sometimes the new is no longer new, but old and familiar.
You decide that maybe, just maybe you are willing to put up with discomfort you once remembered.
You slip on the shoes and realize, they fit perfectly.

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