Wednesday, July 15, 2009

P.S. I Lied

Some people have a hard time showing or telling their emotions to someone.
They're afraid of getting hurt.
Of getting embarrassed.
Of having regrets.
So, instead of revealing how they really feel, they lie.
It makes it easier on themselves and usually easier on the other person too.
Unless what the other person didn't want to hear a lie.
But you can never be sure what is the truth and what is a lie.
If you asked me a question and already knew the answer, but knew I would lie...why would you ask?
It's all in the search of what you had hoped would come out of my mouth.
So, in the instance of my answer when you asked me that question, I should be honest with you now...
I lied.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts on lies - haven't we all done it/or have we?

    Yes - there are many reasons people lie - it takes great courage to always be honest, to have to look someone in the eyes and tell the truth or decline to answer because sometimes it is not yours to tell or it is not theirs to hear or to know. To confront or to walk away - so many choices to make - in the end, to do what is right, so that you don't have to back peddle, don't have to cover up - for yourself or someone else. To stand tall and remain free of the burdensome weight of a lie on your mind, so much so that it can be felt in your bones and make you wearier every moment you carry it with you. The young girl I remember that so effortlessly always told the truth, who would stand tall in the face of her peers to support her friends more often than herself, to face the consequences of her actions even as a child instead of make up stories to avoid getting grounded by her parents....has grown up...has discovered in childhood it can seem so much easier to tell the truth and adults tell lies with so much ease - but ...somehow that seems a little backwards doesn't it? What about the child who tells a fib to avoid getting punished for breaking the window with the baseball? How did he know to do that? Will he turn out to be a truth-teller as an adult? Will he turn out to be a lawyer, a doctor, a banker, a politician? Did the little girl I mentioned learn to tell the truth because she trusted those who loved her best to tell her the truth or was she just born with a natural instinct to tell the truth? Will she turn out to be a journalist who paints a picture in words or photos and reveals the truth behind the pen and lens or will she be like the modern media that only leads the public to believe what they want them to believe, expertly weaving a story to elect the next president who has been bought and paid for. I wonder....
