Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An Apology

There are some things in my life that I'm not proud of. However, most of the things I've done or have been through I see as learning oppurtunities.
I've been thinking of one thing in particular that I'm most not proud of.
It has nothing to do with choices I've made or doing something wrong.
It's about the people in my life.
I've been hurt, but I have hurt others as well. Most of the relationships I've been through, I had always been the one getting dumped.
It just wasn't working, he wasn't feeling it.
He found someone else.
He was seeing someone else before he broke up with me.
He cheated on me...and so on and so on.
But sometimes I forget about the relationships that were never really "official."
Sometimes the guy found someone else.
Sometimes we just didn't mesh well and we both weren't really feeling it.
But sometimes, I've been kind of a heartbreaker.
And usually, I always see myself as the victim.
But like I said, in most cases, that has been true.
But I have hurt some people, not many, or so what I know of, but I'm not proud of it.
It sucks getting your heart broken, and when I'm the one doing the breaking, it really makes me feel bad.
Honestly and genuinely bad.
For whatever the reprecussions are to me or them, none of us really win in the end.
But sometimes, things don't go right, and in the end we're both a little stronger because it happened.
So, for those that I have hurt in the past, I am sorry.
I'm truly, and honestly sorry.
I never meant to hurt you, and perhaps I was being a bit selfish at the time, but in the end I think we have all grown.
Because afterall, life has many curveballs, and things happen for a reason.
No matter what the future holds, you know that maybe we're all a little wiser about how we will handle things in the future.

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