Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It hits me like a bomb to my stomach
The image is etched in my mind
The simple thought of it throws me over the edge
It bothers me to the boiling point
How could it be true?
How irritated
How angry
How upset could I possibly be?
The frown upon my face isn't enough?
The frown upon the idea doesn't stop it
The question of if it's wrong doesn't make you think?
The emptiness in my stomach even makes me throw up
The emptiness in my heart makes it pound with pain
What in your right mind makes it okay?
The lies and deception and heartache could never be enough?
The sorrow I feel isn't worth it?
It's like a bullet to the chest that doesn't bleed
It just throbs and the pain lingers
My burning tears aren't even a sign
My previous knowledge doesn't even count
The thought makes me sick to my stomach
I frown at the idea
I'm upset at the thought
It's a dive over the cliff that doesn't kill
It hits me like a bomb to my stomach
Boom! I thought I died
But the pain is still there

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