Saturday, October 10, 2009

Etiquette Part 5 - Sharing the Sidewalk


Driving on the road, there is one simple rule everyone must follow - stay on the right side of the road.
If you don't, you're either going to get into a car accident or get a ticket.
Now, I wish the same rules applied to walking on the sidewalk.
Go with the flow of traffic.
Don't break the taboos of walking on the left.
It's more organized and it just makes sense. This way, you're not having to move out of the way, or make someone else move out of the way because you're on the wrong side.
Now, that leads me to not just being on the wrong side but taking up the WHOLE DAMN sidewalk!
What makes your crew so awesome that you can walk 5 people side to side, and make people move around you?
That's what bothers me.
It's not the fact that they're side by side, it's that they don't move out of the way.
Sure, I've walked toward people that were side by side and they moved out of my way...maybe because I was standing my ground or they were being courteous...I don't know, whatever.
But when I have to step off of the sidewalk to move around you, that angers me.
It works both ways - approaching and following.
I have long legs and walk faster that a lot of people.
I hate having to slow my pace because I got stuck walking behind a group of chatty Kathy's who don't know they're not the only people on the sidewalk.
Pick a side - no, get on the right side and use common sense.
All I have to say is one thing:
Move it or lose it bitches!

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