Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy October!

OK, so I missed the first day but...

Happy October!

October is my favorite month for five reasons, the same five reasons I posted on facebook for why I love Autumn.

1. Pretty leave colors. *
Although green is my favorite color, I don't want it taking up my entire view when I look outside. I love the reds and oranges and pretty. What other season changes the colors outside to be a beautiful sight? None.
*this also brings me to stepping on crunchy leaves. October is what I consider to be the peak of Autumn and you know what that means! Dead leaves that fall to ground and crumple up just begging you to step on them and make that wonderful crunch noise. I'm strange, it's fine.

2. My birthday.
This year I'm turning 21. Enough said.

I partially think that Halloween is my favorite holiday because it's two days away from my birthday and the majority of my birthdays have been themed around Halloween. But come on! What is more fun than dressing up like something you're not for a day so?

4. Carving pumpkins.
I love love love carving pumpkins and the whole creative side of creating food into a piece of art. I love the feel of seeds and goopy shtuff in my hands. It's also fun to do with a friend! (Don't be perverted.)

5. Sweater weather.
It's not too hot. It's not too cold, usually. Sweater weather is cozy and relaxing and gives an excuse to stay inside and cuddle up with someone you care about.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Except I'm not sure that I'm ready for the cold weather just yet. Summer went too fast for me. But I can't wait for your birthday party...I MISS YOU!!!
