Thursday, December 3, 2009

Biological Clock...?

So I'm sitting here on and I'm flipping through blog spots by clicking "Next Blog."

The first couple are from Asian girls.
Theses blogs were just random, not really about anything, but they were just done by Asian girls, not that I have anything against Asian girls, after all, one of my friends is Asian...I'm thinking, this is odd, why all the Asian girl blogs?

Then I get a bunch of blogs about writers and books and librarians and stuff.
These are just random things people like to write, Something like that....I'm thinking, this is odd, is there some connection with me because I'm also a writer? Why all the "writer's" blogs?

The next few are of babies.
These blogs are from new parents and their stories of their new babies with a day to day update on how they're growing...I'm thinking, this is odd, why all the Baby blogs?

The next few are family blogs.
You know, a blog dedicated to a family's life. They got a new dog, they bought a new house...yadda yadda yadda...I'm thinking, this is odd, why all the family blogs?

So I keep clicking "Next Blog" and it continues to be about families and babies. And I realized, there are A LOT of blogs dedicated to families and their new babies. And that got me thinking about a few things...

Does the Blogger Web site group blogs together for the "Next Blog" thing? Perhaps, maybe...that is very likely...or maybe it's a sign that my biological clock is ticking...

I have been reading the 4th Twilight book. WARNING: Spoiler, skip to next paragraph if you don't want to know what happens. I'm at the part where Bella just had her baby and it tells how connected her and Edward are to her. I'm not saying I want a baby right now, after all, I'm still in college and waaaay in debt. But I'm so involved in this book that I'm envious of what is happening. I want a baby, someday. I want to have what they have. The love for each other and their love for another life they've created.

I've also been watching a lot of wedding shows like Say Yes to the Dress and My Fair Wedding...and Cake Boss which isn't really a wedding show but it's close enough...cake, wedding...sure (PS, I don't watch Bridezillas). And I want that too! I'm envious of what those women have in those shows.

I want to be married.
I want to have my own family.
And I want to share it on a blog spot.
OK, maybe not that last part...but who knows, maybe someday?

Anyway...these blog spots that I came across also made me envious. Although I'm only 21, I'm very looking forward to being married and starting a family someday. And there is only one person that I keep seeing in my future and it makes me excited. My heart tells me I want it now, but I know in my head that the smartest thing to do is to wait. I know I'm unprepared for my own family. I know these things take money, time, and emotional stability.

Sometimes I just wish that my biological clock would shut up and wait, like I know I need to do.

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