Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dear Thoughts:

Dear Thoughts:

Why have you run away from me?
I would like to write more blogs, but you have vanished.
Come back to me, please?
It's not like I don't have time to write things because I do.
Sometimes I just get too lazy to sit down and type/write.
But suddenly, a gush of thought came upon swift wings and billowed into my brain!
Alas! The creative juices flow!
But that didn't happen, because you ran away.
Why have you run away?
I'm running.
I'm running.
Slow down, I'm running!
Let me catch you.
Let me run with you.
Slow down your pace so that I have time to think.
Tell time to slow down.
Or tell it to speed up so that I can relax for a month.
And perhaps I can finally finally put you into words.
Sincerely, Kacie.

PS - I'm very disappointed in you for only allowing me to write one blog last month, we'll talk about this later. Okay, Love you, bye!

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