Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nearly Fatal Experience

When one goes from living in a town with not many pedestrians wandering about, to one where they are an always constant, driving habits must change.
I'll admit, when I first moved to where I live now, I always stopped on the crosswalk because I forgot that people are always walking.
But quickly enough, I started conforming to the rules of the road.

When driving, you must always be conscious of people walking - whether they're a apparent or not, they'll probably appear out of nowhere anyway.
When turning a corner, you have to yield to pedestrians walking across the street - they have the right of way.

The other day I was walking to class, like I do everyday. I'll admit, I start walking before the white light man appears, but that's because I know there is no one coming and in seconds I'll have the right of way to walk across the street. 

Well, apparently not on that day.

Driving over 35 mph in downtown IC, is just something you should not do because there are always people around. 

Like me. 
Walking across the street.
And turning the corner at fast speeds when there are ALWAYS people walking across the street is foolish and irresponsible.
I was not the only one crossing the street at this nearly fatal experience, but I was the only person is the direct pathway of this idiotic driver.

Before he realized what he had done, I was already on the way to avoiding getting hit. Yet, some stupid girl behind me wasn't aware of what was happening, and prevented me from getting out of the way of the car.
If that guy driving the car had not seen me, I would have gotten run over because I was blocked from moving to a safer destination.

My heart has never beat like that before.
My head has never spun so many times.

So please drivers, remember - you're not the only ones on the road.

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