Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When is it My Turn?

Today I received a wedding invitation to one of my best friend's wedding.
As soon as I opened the envelope, I immediately knew what it was without seeing it.
I was so overjoyed...squealing with glee.
Then after I was done with that, I got really sad.
I realized I need a date.
Well, not so much that I need a date, that I feel like I should probably bring one to the wedding.
It'd be silly of me to go alone, not to mention the fact that I'd feel really insecure going to my best friend's wedding by myself.
I know I won't be alone per se because there will be a lot of my other friends there, but it's the fact that she's my friend...
The first of my really close friends to be getting married...
While I'm single.
Without a boyfriend.
And going to a wedding.
I've been to weddings before but they were for my family and I was a lot younger then.
And now that I am at the age where it seems engagements are popping up everywhere, it's starting to take a toll on my emotions.
I'm happy of her.
So happy for her.
Because she is one of the kindest, sweetest, most genuine people I've ever come to know in my life and she deserves to be as happy as she is now that she is with him.
But I'm just wondering...
When is it my turn?

1 comment:

  1. oh man. i just went and spent the weekend planning my friends wedding, dress shopping, taste testing dinners, all of that stuff and i know exactly how you feel. i was so happy for her, but it's hard not to want to break down. i had to bite my lip and suck it up a few times this weekend, it's tough.
