Saturday, March 7, 2009

Etiquette Part 2 - Driving

When it comes to sharing the road, there is a certain etiquette ALL drivers should know. For instance...

How hard is it to move your ENTIRE car into the turning lane so that I don't have to break and wait for you to fucking turn? I'm not expecting to have to break for you because you should be in the turning lane...PS I have severe road rage, it's fine.

The one thing about driving etiquette that bothers me the most, especially when I'm about to be late, or that I'm in a hurry doesn't really even deal with driving. It's the thing after driving: parking.

You know those yellow and white lines that are painted on the cement of roads and parking lots? Those are just decorations right? Oh, no? They're used for guidelines for drivers? Oh...OK. Then why don't some people know how to use them?

I hate stupid ass parkers. What makes people think they can take up 2 parking spots? Like your car isn't the only car that doesn't want to get dinged by another dumb driver? It's the chance you take by parking next to someone. Every time I see that I just want to go up to the car and put a dent in the door. They'll come out and think: That's impossible! I made a dick move and took up 2 spots just so that wouldn't happen!

What's even worse is people who park their whole car in one spot, but leave their left or right back tire in the next spot making it almost impossible to not park there unless you're driving a motorcycle. It's the people who don't want to seem like a complete ass by making it look like it was just an accidental bad parking job. And even if it was an accident, and you knew it, back the fuck out and fix it. It's not like you're gonna break your arm by shifting gears one more time.

When I see that happen, I'm the kind of person who enjoys squeezing their small car next to those people to prove to them they can't stop people from parking there. Yeah, it's kind of a dick move also, but I don't care.

Oh and what's the deal with parking in the winter? Since there is snow on the ground covering the lines, people seems to forget how to park. So, the lack of parking lines suddenly allows you to park three feet away from the car next to you?

Ugh, there is such a lack of people with driving etiquette...FML.

PS I could totally continue with driving speed/moving with the flow of traffic and other things that bug the shit out of me when I'm driving, but I don't want to get myself too worked up before bed. =]


  1. You should probaby change the name of your blog from Monologues in My Head to "Hate-Filled Rants About Everyday Life in My Head."

    That, or we can tandem-blog on my site, as it clearly advertises professional ranting in the masthead haha.

    But seriously, I agree with you. Nobody knows how to drive. That, or they're REALLY skilled at driving like an assface.

  2. "And even if it was an accident, and you knew it, back the fuck out and fix it."

    -my favorite part
