Sunday, December 12, 2010

Failing at Life (#10)

For me, not doing my best is something that bothers me, but sometimes I just don't feel like trying.
In school, I've been able to get away with doing a mediocre job on assignments and somehow receiving at least a B.
I've been able to do that for a long time.
Maybe it's just me thinking I didn't put a lot of thought into something and not giving myself enough credit.
...But I procrastinate and I truly believe I could have done better.
And when I don't ry, I still think I'll be able to pull off a good grade, because I usually do.
But that's with things I am very knowledgeable on.
It doesn't always work like that.
Especially recently.
I failed a class.
For the first time ever.
I cried. Oh yeah, I cried.
Media Law and Communication.
I have to retake it next semester because it's required for my major.
So I'll probably do better than I did this semester, but still.
I failed.
Failing a class is like the worst thing in the world to me.
If I think about, it's not that big of a deal since I get a chance to take it again, but still.
I failed!!
It wasn't an easy class, I'm not sure why I thought I could turn my grade around like I have in past classes.
Ugh, I feel like I'm failing at life.

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