Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Overflowing with Glee (#6)

Tonight, the Christmas special of Glee premiered.
And because I'm such a sap, it kept reminding me of how I'm probably going to be alone on Christmas.
No one should be alone on Christmas...yadda blah blah blah.
So, it made me a little down, but at the end, my heart was overflowing with emotions.

You know when you feel so happy, that it almost hurts?
That you're not sure if you should laugh or cry, or you just don't know what you should be feeling?
Well, that happened to me tonight.
My heart was so full of joy because of what happened in the episode, that I cried.
I think that is what is supposed to happen when you're so happy.
Your heart can't handle it, so the emotions spill into your eyes and you cry.

*Spoiler alert*

They based Glee off of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Sue steals presents, but returns them in the end, and an unexplained miracle happens to Artie. A device that allows him to walk appears at Brittany's house.
Though only a TV show, that happiness that doesn't fit in my heart, poured from my eyes because it was so  beautiful to see that Artie could walk - just what Brittany asked Santa for for Christmas.
So, I'm going to be alone of Christmas, so what? Tonight's episode of Glee was just a reminder to all of us that we're not alone. There are people who care about our well-being, and Christmas is truly a great time for the impossible to become a miracle.

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