Friday, February 13, 2009


So the other night I’m sitting at work after my shift and I’m waiting for my food order to be up.I sit in the bar, watch TV and I decide to flip to VH1.

The line up for the night consists of reruns of shows like Rock of Love 3, I Love Money 2, For the Love of Ray J etc.

It’s those typical shows with washed up celebrities looking for some form of extra money and further fame and drama induced nobodies wanting an extra 15 minutes in the lime light.

What happened to primetime TV? Otherwise, what happened to my music channels? MTV and VH1 barely run any form of show with music anymore. They show celebrity-dating…scratch that, celebrity hook up fests and “academies” to become a supposed “better person.”

It’s called MTV: Music Television. It’s not NSRTV: Network for Stupid Reality Television.I miss shows like Pop Up Video (on VH1), Say What? Karaoke, and now even TRL. TRL was the last running show on MTV that was actually music related and it was cancelled. I grew up on that show. Carson Daly was the man back then, some may disagree but he was cool then in my eyes.

But now it’s all “reality” or what producers want it to be.

The Real World pretty much launched reality TV in the 90’s. Don’t get me wrong, I find myself watching it from time to time but just because I have nothing else to watch.

Are we that bored with our own lives that we rely on the so-called “unscripted” lives of people we don’t even know, or really need to know for that matter, on a popular network?

But that’s exactly what it is. The drama of those shows exceeds (most of the time) the average person’s life. And sometimes, our lives are even more dramatic than what we see on TV. Sometimes I feel like my life could have its own show.

But my point is there are shows that are a waste of my time. I’m pretty sure life would be just fine without fake breasted girls vouching for a rock star’s “love” and I’d probably have more brain cells in the end.


  1. true stuff. I think the entire nation's IQ would go up 50 points if all reality tv shows were simultaneously cancelled and all evidence of them ever existing spontaneously combusted.
