Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Money Doesn't Fall From Trees

I'm the kind of person who is big on having a fun time with friends. I enjoy going out to dinner, I like going to movies, I like going shopping among other things.

I also like to take road trips with friends. One of which I had to miss out on a short while ago because I was broke. I literally had about 20 bucks to my name to last me another week. A weekend in the cities was just out of the question. I also already had to work that weekend and I couldn't afford miss out on those hours.

With being dead broke, I have no one to blame but myself. Last semester, I had a pretty vast amount of money in my account and it was the most money I have had at one time since I've had a job. Come Christmas time, I had a good amount for gifts, for my bills, and then some. I had planned on using my Christmas money and what I had saved from work on new camera.

That didn't happen. Within two and a half weeks, I had spent upwards of $300 on myself, spending it on clothes food, among other entertainment related things with friends. And really, very little went to anything else.

This semester I've had less hours between my two jobs and I've definitely seen the effects of that. All I've been able to afford is gas and my cell phone bill, which by the way I've paid late twice now.

I hate to be the stickler of being aware of the economy's downfall, but getting shorted hours and not watching what I spend my money on has taken its toll on me.

This semester I am so much more conscious on what I spend my money on and I have to be. I'm moving next semester and I'll be going to the University of Iowa so I need to definitely start watching my money now and try not to keep myself entertained through purchases.

As they say, money doesn't fall from trees.

1 comment:

  1. See, the problem with your spending woes is...you're a girl. Haha just kidding. Guys are the same way; just with bigger and more expensive shit. I'm guilty of it, too. Credit cards are evil, evil spawns of hell. As I work at Best Buy, I would buy some new cool piece of techno-shit every week, and it started to add up. I think it culminated when I brought home a $109 battery backup one night, somehow thinking that my surge protector wasn't enough to stop the thousands of lightning strikes my home endures on a daily basis.

    PS Expect a post on inspiration vampires in the near future.
