Friday, February 20, 2009


I briefly recall two weeks where I found time to do my homework, wanted to finish what I had started and accomplished in receiving almost the full points for several assignments. I was eager to do well this semester, but now I feel like I'm not wanting to try.

Lately, I have no willingness to do homework even though it must be done. I put very little effort into the assignment I do work on. I have no inspiration to even write anything anymore, besides this I guess.

I start writing and my thoughts quit. That, or I'm just too lazy to continue to write and plop myself in front of the TV giving myself an excuse that I need to relax.

I'm uninspired and it's as simple as that.

1 comment:

  1. I find that the things I put effort in often end up sucking the inspiration out of me. For example, my sociology and Spanish classes--there's a couple of inspiration vampires if I've ever seen some. Which I really haven't. But they're probably not weak to the sun, like regular vampires, because my SOC class is at 9:30 AM. Anyway, yeah those classes suck fat cock and are pretty much pointless. I really do want to learn Spanish but my professor makes me want to give it up and stick with French. I'm just trying to get through my last semester at this abyss of education.
