Sunday, April 19, 2009


That feeling has finally arrived. I need out. I need to leave. I need an escape. My joyful days are gone and I'm ready to move on. I can't keep standing around waiting for something great to happen. I can't wait around for sun to shine again. I can't wait around for the clouds to pass over. I can't keeping swimming for brighter days because I know the water will run dry, and I'll eventually reach land. It's what I long for. It's what I crave. I need to set foot on something solid. I need to stand tall and walk forward. I need to leave behind the falling leaves and cold skies. I need to dillute my pain with something worth my time.

My stomach churns with feelings of loss and regret yet, it still moans with a hunger for something more filling. I can no longer feed on half-ass nutrients. I have not had my fill but I know I'll never able to be satisfied if I continue to linger around. I need to run far, far away and never look back. I need out. I need to leave. I need an escape.

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