Friday, January 14, 2011

Find Out for Yourself

I'll admit, I have judged people based on what other people have said about them.
I've judged a book by its cover.
Yeah, when I was young and stupid.
But if you're a college aged adult or older and still judging people by what other people say or judging someone by what the look like...aka not getting to know someone for yourself...
....It's time to grow up.
I'm always finding myself saying..."That's just what I heard...I'm not one to judge because I don't know them."
Seriously, I say that.
Even when a hint of me feels like gossiping about someone, I'm always taken back when I don't know the person.
And I'm saying this because I've done it, but I've also been a victim of it numerous times, and it's not fun.
It's hurtful.
And it really messes with your head.

Treat others with respect.
You know who you are.
Your best friends and family know who you are because they've gotten to know you.
They don't judge you.
They don't care what others say because they're the ones who know you.
Not him.
Not her.
Not the chick 3 doors down who you've spoken to twice.
Don't judge someone because of what you heard or because a first impression failed.
If you seriously need gossip in your life, though try not to use that as an excuse, find out about that person for yourself.
They may turn out to be someone you really get along with.

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