Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Worth Fighting For

I don't want something that's just convenient, I want something that's worth fighting for...

It's easy to be in a relationship with someone who has time to see you.
It's easy to be in a relationship with someone who's cute and has a few similar interests.
It's easy to settle to with someone who likes you that you think is alright.
Because it's convenient.
Because it's easy.
And maybe it really does work out.
But maybe I don't want something convenient.
Maybe I don't want something that's easy.
I want something worth fighting for.
I want someone who wants to be with me as bad as I want to be with them.
I want someone who won't settle for mediocre.
I don't think I'm mediocre.
I think I'm worth fighting for.
I want someone who will fight for me.
I don't care if he lives miles away.
I don't care if I can't see him everyday.
I care that he's there for me emotionally and mentally as much as I am there for him.
Because I'm the kind of person who will be there for him.
I'm the kind of person who cares.
When I want something, I put my whole heart into it.
I am worth fighting for.
And I don't settle for less than I deserve.
I've done that, I'm over that.
I'm ready to fight for what I want.
Are you?


  1. The key to finding someone like this (at least in my opinion) is to stop looking. It will come soon enough.

  2. I thought I had stopped for awhile....
