Thursday, January 13, 2011

When Things Don't Go Your Way

When you think about it, things never really go the way you want them to or expect them to.
You may get into the college you want, but the classes are harder than you expected.
...or your schedule screws up your graduation date.
You may find a job that fits your schedule and helps you pay bills but you can't stand the work and someone you work with hates your guts.
You get the only copy of a movie you want to see at a rental place but it's scratched up.
You find a cheap place to live but your new roommate drives you up a wall.
You're picked first for a team, but you end up losing the game.
You find your soul mate but they end up being taken by someone else.
You finally find a guy that likes you but then you're torn between him and another one.
You find the perfect recipe for your favorite dish but don't have any money for the ingredients.
You get offered your dream job but it's 20,000 miles away from nowhere.
You win the lottery but so many taxes are taken out that you only have enough money to pay your debts.
Someone tells you they're interested in you but suddenly falls off the face of the earth .

You get my point...
There are things in life that seem so wonderful the instant they happen, but then for whatever reason, how you wished it panned out, is suddenly diminished and you're left with an empty heart and a huge headache.
It's hard to get past the negative things that come in life, especially when you try so hard to try and make things go the way you want them to.
And I know it sucks.
You're left confused.
You're wondering how you could have changed the course.
You try to think of other ways to get what you want.
But sometimes, getting what you want really doesn't happen.
Sometimes you need to look at what you need and see if it's right in front of you nose.
Chances are it probably is, you just choose to be oblivious because it's not what you want.

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