Saturday, January 17, 2009

Life Sucks Sometimes

Friday, December 26, 2008 at 2:40pm

Watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button not only made me cry a lot, but also made me think a lot.
It made me think that in life, there are going to be many people that come and go, but it's part of the cycle of life.
It made me think there will be many experiences that you will learn from, no matter how old you are.
There will be people that you care deeply about and if the relationship is meant to be, fate will keep the bond.
Those people that truly care will always find a way to stay in your life.
You will realize the ones that don't matter, even if they make you think they do, with time, you will see things are better without them.
Even though this movie was highly unrealistic, the messages are as realistic as life could possibly be.
It proved that true love always finds a place in your heart no matter the circumstance.
It portrayed an honesty that one could only hope for in people.
It proved there are people in this world worth sitcking around for.
It proved no matter how hard the battle, whether it be in relationships, at work, at home, or your own personal battles with time and yourself, if something is important enough, it's worth fighting to the finish.
Even though there are things and people in this world that cause you pain, you can always remember that things get better if you let them.
Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes what happens isn't always what you want, but that's how you learn to find things that you do want.
Life sucks sometimes, everyone knows that.
But when you stay strong and keep your head up, what is meant to be will come to you easier than you think. It just takes time.

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