Saturday, January 17, 2009

Your Soundtrack

Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 2:55pm

The dust covers the top because it hasn't been used in a while.
Actually that's a lie, I use it everyday, but somehow it collects dust as if it sits whining to be played.
I plug in my 3rd grader's choice of a music player: my boombox.
I like to kick it old school like that.
Actually, that's a lie too. I just don't own an mp3 player and it sits conveniently on the back of the toilet as I collect myself for the upcoming day(s).
I put in CD's. Sometimes I listen to your soundtrack.
I like to think of reasons you chose what you did. Probably just what you were into at the time, no real meaning.
I listen to your soundtrack because it's a piece of you that I'm allowed to own.
Each lyric in each song is easily related to how I feel about you, or in general, or just my mood at the time.
I listen to your soundtrack because it allows me to think I'm special.
It allows me to think it was made especially for my well-being.
I listen to your soundtrack because it makes me think I can understand you more.
I analyze the lyrics and perhaps they're a reflection on who you are, perhaps not.
That's the hard thing. I can't tell if the music is you, or you are the music.
I like to imagine you are the music.
When I listen, it's like you're there placing the melodies in my heart.
I listen to your soundtrack because it lets me hold on to you.
I'll continue to hold on.
I'll continue to listen.
Listening is the easiest.
Interpreting the words is what gets me.

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